Internationally recognized teaching qualification from Cambridge Assessment English

Our courses will give you real teaching experience, and will help you motivate and support your learners. All of our teaching qualifications are mapped to the Cambridge English Teaching Framework, and support teachers to deliver positive on learning in the classroom.

TKT is a flexible series of modular teaching qualifications that show how you are developing as a teacher. It is ideal for people who want to prove their teaching knowledge with a globally recognized certificate.

The Objective of TKT online course for module 3 is to help the teachers obtain optimum results by sharpening their focus on the best practices of teaching methodologies

TKT module 3 online course

This online TKT course for module 3 is a step by step guide to all teachers who register for the exam to enrich their teaching learning skills and help them come out successful in the exams.

  • Videos explaining every chapter of module 3
  • Additional online worksheets under each chapter
  • Online revision test for each chapter
  • Quizzes on TKT Glossary
  • 3 online mock tests
  • 5 × 90 minutes live classes by expert trainers
TKT Online Training
6,000/- + GST (18%)

Who is TKT for ?

  • New and experienced teachers
  • Recommended for teachers with an English level of B1 or above
  • Teachers who teach primary, secondary or adult learners
  • Teachers who want to prove their teaching knowledge
  • Teachers who need a globally recognized certificate

  • Introduction

    The teacher is given an understanding of what the Unit is all about and what are the salient features of this Unit

  • Learn and Practice

    In this the teacher will learn the key concepts, read and understand the particular unit and do some practice worksheets.

  • Extended Learning

    After having understood the lesson well, this extended learning session will help teacher further her learning by doing the discovery activities, Follow up Activities and Practice tests from the course book.

  • Consolidate and Reflect

    The teacher goes through all what she has learnt in each unit and also reflects upon it

Who is TKT for ?

  • New and experienced teachers
  • Recommended for teachers with an English level of B1 or above
  • Teachers who teach primary, secondary or adult learners
  • Teachers who want to prove their teaching knowledge
  • Teachers who named a globally recognized certificate

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